8 thoughts on “Friday Night Miracle”

  1. Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarkataho Allhamdulillah I m going to complete my 11months of recovery on 17of thz month I m lukng for a meeting cause I m in Dubai .. n only Friday I got off ..so I trying to attend n participate in meeting ..I was new in UAE Dubai so I need oll of my fellowship help n support

  2. Friday Night Miracle Meeting

    West Chester Church of the Nazarene (rear entrance)West Chester Church of the Nazarene (rear entrance)
    7951 Tylersville Rd
    West Chester Township

    Please update time from 7:30pm – 8:30pm

    Adam D

    • Good afternoon,

      I apologize for the late response. Unfortunately, there are no meetings within the HAMASCNA area that offer zoom.


      Missy L.

  3. I am new to the area and I would like to go to the meeting tonight but I have no ride there. If anyone’s interested in helping me out my numbers 2146128333

      • Good Morning,

        Please check out our meeting schedule at hamascna.org. We have a few meetings in the Middletown area and several in the surrounding areas.

        In Loving Service,

        Missy L.

    • Good morning,

      I can post your information on our JFT Hamilton Face book page. I apologize for the late response.

      In Loving Service,

      Missy L.
      HAMASCNA Webmaster


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